Happy New Year and welcome to the new NVP website!
Post date: Jan 5, 2015 8:57:03 PM
You may notice the website looks a little different. It is! The intention is that the new site will be easier for the club to maintain with timely updates, perform a little better, and look better especially on mobile devices. Please send any questions and feedback to webmaster@nvpbike.org. You can find the old site http://old.nvpbike.org/. If you are a ride leader and wish to post to the calendar you will need to do so from the old calendar using the old process for a little while longer (and these posts will show up on the calendar here). If you already renewed your membership for 2015 on the old site don't worry, we have it. If you haven't renewed yet you can do so here using PayPal or the mail-in form and check.