NVP Rides
Usually 15 miles or more, with a variety of lengths, terrain, and intents, cue sheets, sweep optional.
Special Rides
Orientation: Less than 12 miles over Terrain 1 or 2, group stays together, cue sheet and sweep.
Moderate: Less than 25 miles over Terrain 1, 2 or 3, group stays together or regroups frequently, leader’s pace 10-12 mph, cue sheet, sweep optional.
NVP Apple Country Century
Every fall the club hosts a fully supported century through our area with 25, 50, 75, and of course 100 mile routes. Details can be found at www.applecountrycentury.org.
Preparing for Rides
ALL RIDES WILL LEAVE ON TIME! PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY ENOUGH TO BE READY. All rides will have leaders, cue sheets, and/or maps. In case of rain, most regular rides will be canceled; if in doubt, call the ride leader. Carry a spare tube, tire tools, a pump, water bottle, and personal ID information. Check your tires’ condition and make sure they are properly inflated.
REMEMBER: Ride safely and obey the rules of the road. HELMETS ARE REQUIRED ON ALL NVP RIDES!
Always read the descriptions for details of terrain and the leader’s intentions.
Members and guests may ride e-bikes on all club group rides and events with the same benefits and responsibilities of any rider, provided:
The bicycle must be pedal assist (specifically, the bike does not move without pedaling). Throttled e-bikes are not allowed.
It is the rider’s responsibility to know and obey NVP’s policy and the law.
An e-bike rider should be certain they have sufficient battery reserve for the ride they have chosen. It is not NVP or the ride leader’s responsibility to ensure that the e-bike rider is returned to the ride start should they run out of battery.
Mass Bike - Laws — Do you know your rights of the road? Do you know what your responsibilities are when biking in Massachusetts? Here is a summary of Massachusetts’ bike law that covers equipment, riding, safety standards, races, violations, and penalties. This law applies to all cyclists in Massachusetts — even you!